Cleaning The Air

page one of report

The Imperative of Asbestos Removal in UK Schools and Hospitals: A Cost-Benefit Perspective

In the UK, the silent threat of asbestos in schools and hospitals continues to be a major concern. This insidious material, once hailed for its fire-resistant properties, now poses a significant health risk, particularly in older buildings where it was used extensively.


Thanks to Mesothelioma UK and their recent study, we can now see the costs and benefits of removing asbestos from UK schools and hospitals.

We’ve summarised the report below, but the full report can be found on the link above.


The Persistent Challenge:

Despite a ban on asbestos, many of our schools and hospitals are still haunted by its presence. This report throws light on the hidden crisis of asbestos-related diseases (ARDs) that affects those who have worked in these institutions. The reality is grimmer than we realize, with mesothelioma cases often going underreported.


Economic and Social Burden:

ARDs are not just a health crisis but also a financial drain. The report meticulously calculates the costs associated with healthcare, social care, and the loss of productivity due to these diseases. These costs are substantial, impacting both individuals and the broader economy.


Cost-Benefit Analysis:

The core of the report is a rigorous cost-benefit analysis. It compellingly argues for the financial and health benefits of a proactive asbestos removal program. The long-term savings and the potential reduction in the incidence of ARDs are significant.


Recommendations for Action:

The report concludes with a strong recommendation for a strategic, government-led initiative to remove asbestos from all schools and hospitals. It’s a call to prioritize public health and take decisive steps to eradicate this lingering threat.


In summary, this report not only sheds light on a neglected issue but also provides a viable roadmap for action. It’s an urgent call to protect future generations from the legacy of asbestos.